Tiempo de recambio celular: 90 días
Respiratory immunity and the rationale for immunomodulation in the prevention of respiratory tract infections
Probiotics enhance the effect of allergy immunotherapy on regulating antigen specific B cell activity in asthma patients
Probiotics improve efficacy and tolerability of triple therapy to eradicate Helicobacter pylori: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Evaluation of a Diet Containing Probiotics and Zinc forthe Treatment of Mild Diarrheal Illness in ChildrenYounger Than One Year of Age
Efficacy of a New Hypotonic Oral Rehydration Solution Containing Zincand Prebiotics in the Treatment of Childhood Acute Diarrhea:A Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of a New Hypotonic Oral Rehydration Solution Containing Zincand Prebiotics in the Treatment of Childhood Acute Diarrhea:A Randomized Controlled Trial
Efecto aditivo de lactobacillusacidophilusl – 92 en niños con dermatitis atópica con comitante con alergia alimentaria
Lactobacillus acidophilus L-92 Cells Activate Expression of Immunomodulatory Genes in THP-1 Cells
Longitudinal study of effects of oral dosage of Bifidobacterium bifidum G9-1 on Japanese cedar pollen-induced allergic nasal symptoms in guinea pigs
Respiratory immunity and the rationale for immunomodulation in the prevention of respiratory tract infections
Probiotics enhance the effect of allergyimmuno therapy on regulating antigen specific B cell activity in asthma patients
Trimetilamina-N-óxido (TMAO) predice la mortalidad cardiovascular en la enfermedad arterial periférica
La microbiota vaginal: composición, papel protector, patología asociada y perspectivas terapéuticas.